
各类证件用英语怎样表达 当前位置:首页 >  翻译知识



  身份证  identity document

  护照  passport

  签证  visa

  驾驶证  Driver's license

  毕业证  Diploma

  结业证/学历证书  Certificate / academic certificate

  房产证  Property ownership certificate

  土地使用证 Land use certificate

  工作证  Employee's card

  资格证  Qualification certificate

  介绍信   Letter of introduction

  邀请函  Invitation

  特别通行  Special passage

  奖状   Certificate of merit

  聘书  Letter of appointment

  录取通知书 Letter of admission

  优惠券   Coupon

  会员卡Membership card

  会员证  Membership card

  参观证  Visiting card

  党员证 Party membership card

  火葬许可证 cremation permit

  士兵证  Soldier's card

  海员证  Seaman's certificate

  营业执照  Business license

  税务登记证  Tax registration certificate

  发票 invoice

  收据  receipt

  公章  Official seal

  合格证 Certificate

  保修卡  Warranty card

  逮捕证 Arrest warrant

  拘留证 Detention warrant

  结婚证  Marriage certificate

  离婚证  Divorce certificate

  健康证  Health certificate

  学位证 graduate degree's diploma

  律师资格证  Lawyer's qualification certificate

  入网许可证  Network license

  出口许可证   Export license

  进口许可证Import licence